Object = IsisCube Object = Core StartByte = 984042 Format = BandSequential Group = Dimensions Samples = 184320 Lines = 61440 Bands = 1 End_Group Group = Pixels Type = UnsignedByte ByteOrder = Lsb Base = -0.00395256916996050006 Multiplier = 1.00395256916999998 End_Group ^Core = Lunar_LRO_LOLAKaguya_Shade_60N60S_512ppd.tif End_Object Group = Archive DataSetId = LRO_LOLAKaguya_Shade_60N60S_512ppd ProducerInstitutionName = "Goddard Space Flight Center" ProducerId = GSFC ProducerFullName = "GSFC and JAXA" ProductVersionId = SLDEM2015 InstrumentHostName = "LRO and Selene" InstrumentName = "Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter and Terrain Camera" InstrumentId = "LOLA and TC" TargetName = Moon End_Group Group = Mapping ProjectionName = Equirectangular CenterLongitude = 0.0 TargetName = Moon EquatorialRadius = 1737400.0 PolarRadius = 1737400.0 LatitudeType = Planetocentric LongitudeDirection = PositiveEast LongitudeDomain = 180 MinimumLatitude = -60.0 MaximumLatitude = 60.0 MinimumLongitude = -180.0 MaximumLongitude = 180.0 UpperLeftCornerX = -5458203.07634699997 UpperLeftCornerY = 1819401.02544900007 PixelResolution = 59.2252939999999981 Scale = 512.0 CenterLatitude = 0.0 End_Group End_Object Object = Label Bytes = 1872 End_Object Object = History Name = IsisCube StartByte = 1 Bytes = 3016 ^History = Lunar_LRO_LrocKaguya_Shade_60N60S_512ppd.History.IsisCube End_Object End